

男女主角配角都不陌生,女主角 Sanna Lathan 在整形春秋(Nip & Tuck)裡演跟 Dr. Troy 牽連很深的女主角 Michelle;男主角 Simon Baker 是那個在 The Devil Wears Prada 裡跟女主角在巴黎上床的風流記者;其中一個男配角是跟 Miranda 住同一個大樓的黑人醫生男友。


更重要的是:Simon 在這部電影裡有夠可口的啊!我也要我也要!!那種刻骨銘心的愛情哪裡找啊~都忘記談戀愛是什麼滋味了...

Kenya McQueen is a successful African-American CPA, working her way to the top of the corporate ladder -- but her life has become all work and no play. Urged on by her friends to try something new and to let go of her dream of the "ideal black man," she accepts a blind date with an architectural landscaper named Brian, only to cut the date short upon first sight, because Brian is white. The two meet again at a party, and Kenya hires Brian to landscape her new home. Over time, they hit it off, but Kenya's reservations about the acceptance their romance will find among her friends and family threatens everything. An intelligent romantic comedy that chooses to deal with issues of race and perception in a straight-forward way, from a point of view not often seen: that of a successful, upper-class black woman.


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